
The new school year is upon us and along with that comes Faith Formation. Of course we are all learning to do things differently because of the COVID-19 pandemic. This year, all Faith Formation classes will be held online via a ZOOM meeting. Your child will meet online with their teacher using ZOOM. Class begins this Sunday, September 13, 2020. We are very excited to get started and understand that it will take some extra effort to work out the details this year due to the new way of holding class.

Each child will need a separate device that can connect to the ZOOM meeting. Classes are still held separately so kids from different grades need to be on different devices.

Classes are still held each Sunday from 9:45 - 10:45. Your child will join the ZOOM meeting using the provided ID and Password. For the safety of our children, this information can be found on the Realm group for "Faith Formation Parents". See info below regarding Realm.

Be sure to enter the child’s name properly so that they can be admitted into the meeting and placed into the correct class. For their name, please enter their first and last name along with their grade (ex. Susie Smith - 2). This will help our folks identify your child and enter them into the correct class.

Please be patient as we get everyone placed in the correct place. It may take a few minutes right at 9:45 to get all kids placed in the correct spot. Parents, please assist us by helping your child login as well making sure the are muted at the appropriate times.

Realm helps us to communicate important updates to you. To learn more about Realm, visit our Realm page.

Once in Realm be sure to join the Faith Formation Parents group. There you will find updates on our program as well as resources such as registration info and our calendar. The groups labeled as the classes are for students as we use those to track attendance. Parents receive all notifications sent to those groups as well after updating your child's profile. To update your child's info, click on your name in the top right hand corner > "My Profile" > select your child's name from the right menu bar - "Family Members" > then click the "Edit Profile" button to fill in all the fields.

We can’t wait to see your child in class this year. Thanks again for participating and being patient as we work through all of this.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Mary McGrath via telephone (865) 672-7204 or email [email protected].